'This is a library' Student shuts down protesters & becomes viral sensation

Posted: 1/28/2017 8:26:00 PM
Author: Mark Malloy
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/27/library-student-shuts-protesters-becomes-viral-sensation/

'This is a library!' Student shuts down protesters and becomes viral sensation
by Mark Molloy

Libraries are meant to be a bastion of peace and quiet, so when these noisy protesters interrupted the silence, one student took it upon himself to shut them down.

A ‘hero’ confronted anti-Trump supporters at a library in the University of Washington and his response has sparked a host of online jokes and memes.

This is library!

“Who’s got the power?” they chanted. “We’ve got the power!”

“Hey, hey, hey, hey,” the visibly irked student interrupts, walking into the middle of the group, before telling the protesters: “This is library!”

King 5 journalist Alex Rozier shared the comedy gold on Facebook with the caption: “Anti-President Trump protesters rushed into the Library at the University of Washington an hour after the inaugural address.

"WHO'S GOT THE POWER?" they chanted...On this day, someone else had the power.”

NOTE FROM LIBRARIANS FOR FAIRNESS: Our organization has members who supported and didn't support President Trump in the recent election, but we agree with this gutsy student that libraries are no places for these kinds of disturbances. Videos of this incident have already gone viral on Youtube and the New York Post of 1/25/2017 also ran a story about this. We urge you to watch the video. We love our libraries and we so much admire this student. We might add that one of these protesters (the online videos have cut out the remark) then yelled at him the racist comment: "Go back to Beijing."

And here's what another student said about the incident:

"I was in that library at that time. Those people were really annoying. They really should've not brought the protest into the library...They were just depriving people's right to read and study in a quiet place."


The above URL is one of many that will lead you to the video. There are now numerous postings of it, all over the Internet.